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DELTA Microelectronics

DELTA Microelectronics

Business applications: ALL applications | ALL applications
Hardware producers/vendors - Components, Devices, Modules, Gateways | Connectivity providers - Wireless, Fixed Line, Satellite, (M)VNO | System Integrators/Consultants | Test & Measurement | Hardware; Software; Professional Services | Device Management; Multi-IMSI SIM; Hardware (Gateway Provider) Operating regions: ALL Regions


DELTA Microelectronics by Presto is a part of the Presto Engineering group located in Denmark.

DELTA Microelectronics offers services ranging from design (front and back end) and development of IoT solutions, production testing of components, wafer probing, failure analysis, and logistics for the supply of components including purchasing of modules, wafers and packaging.

We allow the customer to maximize the most cost-effective combination of services.

DELTA Microelectronics is a business unit of DELTA Danish Electronics, Light & Acoustics that was established in 1941. The Microelectronics unit has been supporting microelectronics development since 1976, providing services to hundreds of successful integrated circuit, module and IoT projects for some of the world’s best-known OEMs/IDMs and fabless semiconductor suppliers.

DELTA Microelectronics is headquartered in Hørsholm, Denmark, and has offices in the United Kingdom, France, Canada & the United States.


555 Bryant St.
Suite 144





905 6346688

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